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Game Codes
Many games have special codes built into them in order to help the debuggers during testing. Usually these codes are not removed from the source code when the games ship. These codes are often called "cheat" codes because presumably by using them one is "cheating" the normal rules that apply to the game.

The Nude Patch


In order to unlock the nude cheat create a new game..

This is the result if you play quick..

Dont do matches eighter give up it saves time.. Time is NUDE!! or am i wrong..


go in all places where no one is and exit immidietly..

when the 14 days are over check what the time gives.. if it is 0:13 or less create a new game in that one and you have unlocked the nude patch.. go in you inventory and you will find a transparant swimsoute press the button to wear it.. ENJOY!!

Game Codes - Continued

Swimsoute extchance

give a swimsoute to a player then save and exit create a new game (the player that you gave the swimsoute) and you will have that swimsoute in your inventory..